DAY 18

Gettysburg, PA

What a fabulously interesting place.  We stayed at the Holiday Inn and had an early dinner downtown where B was fascinated by the horse-drawn carriages that carted tourists around and snarled traffic.


While the boys slept G and I took turns to go out and walk around the town. I bought a book on the Civil War and the battle fought here which G read cover to cover into the early hours.


In the morning we explored the battle field, putting book knowledge into perspective and laying footprints  in the dew on the fields of the Civil War’s bloodiest battle.


From these now peaceful fields, where bullets once flew and blood poured and lives and hopes were lost and leveled – we drove further, to start our lives anew on the East Coast of this magnificent country !





What Worked For Us : Road trip with old dog and young children

Just do it !