Butte, MT / Gardiner, MT (Yellowstone National Park)

Not a very productive day driving and everyone a bit annoyed being cooped up.  We stopped after only about 1 1/2 hours, driven crazy by constant “get out, get out” but Yellowstone National Park is as good a destination as any.  There was no accommodation available in the Park so we are staying at the North gate in Gardiner at the Absaroska Lodge – very nice, overlooking Yellowstone River.  The problem is that B can open the door so we have to barricade it with suitcases.

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We had a lovely drive along the North route of the Park to Rooseveldt Lodge where we bought a picnic lunch and took it to the picnic area in the Park.  Big label on the picnic table : Bears Inhabit This Area …. along with instructions of what to do in the event thereof.  Basically you pick up your food and get in the car – and don’t dilly-daddle.

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We also visited some hot springs and saw lots of Elk on the hotel lawn.  Elk, squirrel, crow, duck – the extent of our wild-life viewing to date!

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What worked for us : Traveling with Children

Sometimes you’ve just got to go with the flow.