DAY 10

La Crosse, WI / Kenosha, WI

We did not drive too far today and possibly best we planned not to because for the first time since leaving Portland 2 300 miles ago we hit very bad traffic on the Wisconsin freeways with no identifiable reason other than possible “entertainment value”.  A car had gone into a ditch on the opposed side of the road.  We measured the back-up to 5 1/2 miles and growing !


Hot, humid weather.  Thunderstorm early morning along with complementary breakfast.  We stopped for gas and bought smoked Gouda (obligatory Wisconsin cheese purchase) and crackers and ate at a nondescript park on the river on the wrong side of the rail tracks.


We reached a Best Western at harbor side on Lake Michigan (which resembles the sea in sheer magnitude) in the evening.  Even with the GPS we managed to mess up and drive through the “hood” but found a great Italian restaurant.



What worked for us : Roadtrip

Explore on your feet too !