Hood River / The Dalles, OR

9:45 pm and both boys still wide awake!

Motel 6 in The Dalles.  You certainly get what you pay for – $69 in a place with a canvas sign that screams “Newly Renovated” gives you a new carpet (thank Goodness as Q’s mattress is on the floor) and a new shower nozzle.  Room is tiny, smells musty and bathroom just big enough to cram in all 4 of us and Spike who continues to feel, at 14, that he needs to follow us everywhere.

Wind is whistling outside.  Of course this is the Gorge – America’s premier windsurfing destination.  So many memories along this river – some of our happiest times have been spent in this part of the world over the years.  Why are we leaving again?

Windsurfing The Gorge.

Windsurfing The Gorge.

Thoroughly enjoyed picnic dinner at the Hood River Event site – windy as anything and CB’s teeth chattering but he had to throw a few stones in the water – one of his favorite pastimes.

Hopefully Q falls happily asleep and we don’t have a helluva time of it …….

10:15 pm Q almost asleep.  If B would just stop talking maybe we could all get some sleep and banish the image of the cat-sitter (as per a telephone conversation this evening) defending herself with a broomstick from our cat, Savvy.  Savvy obviously not adjusting well to being cooped up in a private room at his $17 per day lodging!

I sense the vague anxiety in B’s voice, go home now, go home now.  Such a loud, confident little guy – it almost breaks my heart. We don’t really have a home right now.  I tell him to keep quiet because “mommy will be very cross if Q wakes up” but in truth, I just want to wrap my arms around him and make sure he is happy and everything will be ok.  But he is too wired, too over-tired to lay still.

10:30 pm – Q asleep and G carrying out his threat to drive B until he falls asleep.  Spike asleep on the bedcover.

What worked for us : Traveling with a baby

We took the crib mattress with us.  It fitted well in the car for packing purposes and was more comfortable and familiar to the child at night in hotel rooms.