DAY 12

Michigan City, IN / Sandusky, OH

Not a very eventful day and not a lot of miles, but driving around dusty little Sandusky looking for a somewhat decent place to stay with a screaming baby in the car felt like a lot of hours !  We did, however, have a spectacular sojourn at Notre Dame University near South Bend and lunched on the lawns.


Notre Dame was founded by a French priest in 1842.  A fire destroyed most of the main building in 1879 but 300 workers laboring daily through that Summer rebuilt the structure that still stands today.


We settled for the night on the very mediocre South Shore Inn.  Are there no little beachside (Lake Erie) communities with quaint hotels on the beach ?  Apparently not.


One thing that did strike us driving into Ohio – is Tuesday a State mandated ‘mow the lawn day’ ?  The properties along the highway (and we noticed the phenomenon extended into the towns as well) were either in the process of being mowed or were newly manicured as we drove through.  Not an unmown lawn in sight !



What worked for us : Traveling with a baby and toddler

Don’t try to do too much and if possible have lunch outside in a park-like setting with freedom to run and stretch the legs.  Invest in a “Baby Bjorn” and hope your baby likes it.