Gardiner, MT / Cody, WY

A little shop called Raccoons was a perfect place to start the morning with tea, coffee, milk and scones.

Yellowstone National Park geothermal activity.

Yellowstone National Park geothermal activity.

We spent most of the day in Yellowstone looking at geysers from all the geothermal activity in the Park, culminating in a show from “Old Faithful” which goes off roughly every 90 minutes. A huge biker dude, covered in tattoos and leather sat down next to us for the show.  B says, a touch loudly, “Me don’t like this guy“.  He was cool and laughed !  Our picnic lunch was cut short by rain (preferable to bears), however we did see one from the road !

Crowds gathering to watch "Old Faithful".

Crowds gathering to watch “Old Faithful”.

In driving rain and rolling thunderstorms we entered Cody, Wyoming – home of Buffalo Bill Cody (American scout, bison hunter and showman from the late 1800s).

Bear !

Bear !

We rented a house for the night – a nice change – we can allow more noise and at least have lights on and be in an area different to where the boys are sleeping.  As far as the days are concerned, things are easy and relaxed in the car while Q sleeps but he is not a great passenger when awake!

Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park.

Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park.


What worked for us : Traveling with Young Children

We rented a house for the night – it was nice to have a little more space.  Check out possibilities on or