Buffalo, WY / Keystone, SD

EK_0069An early start this morning timed to coincide with Q’s morning nap which did not happen to be too long, but that’s okay too.  We stopped for snacks on the eastern Wyoming border – desert and desolate.  It is also an oil producing area.  Oil donkeys and cowboy’s horses – its a good life ……. for some.  For days we have seen a steady procession of motorbikes hogging the road on their annual pilgrimage to Sturgis, SD.


The small town of Sturgis is the Mecca of the motorbiking world and “hog heaven”.  We are in the middle of Sturgis Bike Week and it’s quite an experience ! Bikers and “Bikers Welcome” signs everywhere.  Even the cops in Sturgis ride Harleys !!  Bikers are, of course, a breed of their own : hardcore, too weatherbeaten, too many tattoos …….. but it is very cool to be there at this time.

We walked around looking way too normal, wearing not enough leather and our dog happily on a leash !  A big biker dude cruised by us with a dog crate strapped to the back of the bike and his little dog strapped on his lap.  That is how they roll in Sturgis.

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After lunch we drove through Rapid City (which needs a ring road !) to Keystone, a particularly nice little town in the Black Hills at the foot of Mount Rushmore.  Thousands of motorbikes line the main street, as in Sturgis.

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We are staying in the very nice, new White House Resort but a quiet, relaxing evening was not forthcoming.  G took Spike out before bed and he was particularly spritely.  Back in the hotel room, however, it appeared that Spike could not get up and was leaning against the bed.  We speculated he had had a stroke.  Now bear in mind, this 14 year old dog means everything to us.  He has been with us his whole life and traveled on 3 continents with us.  This dog is our heart.  We pick him up on the bed – thankfully both boys asleep – and lay with him and spoke to him, neither of us knowing what to do and dreading the possibilities.  I went through to the bathroom to look up emergency vets.  G came through and suggested we find out if Spike really can’t get up.  We got treats – they were miraculous !!  Spike walked all over the bed after them even jumping off when one fell.  We stopped worrying.





What worked for us : Traveling with an old dog

Know your dog.  Have a dedicated dog bag that holds all his things and lots of treats !